Human Reliability Handbook

This short and engaging handbook provides a great overview of Human Factors Systems Critical Task Analysis (SCTA) and how it helps people across sectors reduce error and improve human performance. SCTA can help keep people safe and delivers value.

What you will learn

This Handbook accompanies HRA’s Mini-Course on Human Factors Critical Task Reviews (HFCTR), which is another name for SCTA. The Mini-Course and this Guidebook are structured into three main parts:

Part 1: Introduction to Human Factors and System Design
Part 2: Introduction to Human Factors Critical Task Review (HFCTR)
Part 3: Using HFCTR for Quality and Safety

We hope you find this useful as a useful reminder of what is covered on the mini-course if you have done it, or something to whet your appetite if you’re still to do the mini-course.